Sunday, March 10, 2013


The steepness of solitude can sometimes push you towards a side of yours which even you are not aware of. It blindfolds you and promises to keep you going thereby offering some progress and motion in an otherwise still and quietened life.

When we participate in the social carnival, we don’t really reason it out. We don’t settle down and discuss the necessity of our presence and participation. Do we now? The blank expression on a certain face can be attributed either to a deep thought or a perpetual jazz clinging to the senses. It’s just like a boat in the middle of the ocean, you can row and row and reach the shores only to realize how well the ocean treated you. But then, who has the courage to return? Or let’s put it this way, it will be foolish to even think about going back.

A potential can be realized if we offer a bit of me to myself and a bit of you to you. The nights scream out big chunks of tenderness, assurances and companionship. You travel through the night but then this is not any other journey that you must take but a journey you vouch for and actually lust for. How constructive can the echoing silence during the night be? How seamlessly can the stars float upon the streams of this flowing sky? And how encouraging can the moon be when it looks down upon you instigating in you the spirit of success by hammering the nails of fact which clearly profess that each one of us shall bloom like a flower when the right time comes. And then, just like the moon has the whole night to itself, we shall have the whole self to ourselves. And that’s when the demigods shall rise and will be reawakened. Welcoming and yielding positive results, our own capacity will be reintroduced to us in an unusual manner.

Remember, a toy can teach you more than a book will. A toy will never impose itself on you whereas a book will always be obtruding the unknown in the name of establishing and then re-establishing the known. The value of thoughts is seldom realized. People think about how they should start thinking but then it remains a thought and then withers away...slowly. So what can save you from this calamitous defeat? The question is answered even before you make an attempt to answer it and shall remain unanswered even if you dedicate your whole life towards finding the right answer.  A placid mind will know when, how and why. Don’t stress!

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