Sunday, July 27, 2014

Ramblings #01


Why do you wish to spark? Why shall you be touched by the Hand of God? What makes you so special? What separates you from the usual lot? What makes you the most unusual one? What aspires you? What arrives in you and what departs from you? What brings you and what leaves? What is it that glows brighter in you? What floats better? What slips easily and what holds better? What rages better? What blows better? And what exactly runs better? How should you be justified as the chosen one? Why should your life be easy? What should your cup hold? And how different shall the contents be? Why do you hope so much? Why do you expect so much? And why do you embrace disappointment when you refuse to embrace reality and good old luck? Where were you when the Greats were forged? Were you there or were you lost in a climax? Why should we consider you superior? Why should these worldly men bow to you? What makes you and what breaks you? What constitutes you? What limits you? How can we help you attain your divine stature? What shall put you at peace?

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