"Politics is the last resort of the scoundrels"
With such terrifying proverbs attached to its name, politics is already an infamous career opportunity. Cunning and sharp minded individuals come out as millionaires after entering politics. They gamble their money, time, future and at times even their family to emerge as a winner in this dangerous and infamous game. This is the situation of politics, atleast in India.
Politics has triggered the number of criminal cases in India. MLAs n MPs use their designations and red beacons to do everything against the law and the state. Countless MLAs n MPs are behind bars or have numerous FIRs laodged against them. Rapes, murders, abductions etc. all are crimes committed and supported by most of the politicians in India. To name them is not enough, to launch FIRs is not enough, it is useless to waste time in the court ...actually, there's nothing you can do about it. But Im not worried about the amount of corruption and crime cultivated by politics and politicians , as much as Im worried about the way the Indian youth is attracted towards it.
Imagine this, even with such a dirty image , millions of youngsters are dying to enter politics. And I can bet on my life that hardly .1% (or even less than that) are trying to get in to bring about a change. They're all for money, power and gundagardi! It reflects the mind of the Indian youth, the eagerness to be one them ..it shows how badly we have lost control of our children. Power is dangerous, it brings out the worst of qualities in the best of men. Wealth can best be described as 'Where wealth accumulates, Men decay'. We have failed to teach the 21st century children the noble concepts of Gandhi, Bhagat Singh or Nehru. The selflesness which prevailed in our freedom fighters is lost, it doesnt exist in today's youth. Today, its money power and wealth all the way. An ugly political picture still manages to attract millions of youngsters , we can draw out the conclusion that the young minds have been trained and taught (though unwantedly) to go after the 3 pillars of downfall-money, power and wealth. What is immoral, can be found in politics...what is unethical, can be found in politics...what is illegal, can be found in politics...whatever is unwanted and evil, can be found in politics. And unfortuantely, that is where we find our youth today.
There are two types of youngsters when it comes to politicals. Im not talking about haters and lovers, critics and supporters etc Im talking about the one's who want to be in politics and the one's who dont want to be in politics. The one's who want to be in politics,are after the 3 pillars as Ive explained earlier. They have a strong political base (most of them) and lot of wealth and time. They're least bothered about education and degress, about how many Agnis have we developed or the GDP or the BPL. They dont care where the Indian economy stands or what is the latest invention or development that can be used for the bettrement of the people, they're just too selfish to think about all this, not their piece of cake. However, there's another section of youngsters who dont want to enter politics. Why? How come? Who doesnt desire piles of currency notes and properties in the most posh areas? Respect for doing nothing at all , garlands made out of thousand rupee notes , lands gifted, appartments gifted, cars and properties ...Why someone would run away from all this? Why?
The answer lies in the question itself. Lets get back to the theory of ends n means. Yes there are people in this country who feel that no matter what ends they achieve, the means still matter more. Immoral, illegal and unethical means are not their piece of cake. Also, the amount of danger involved pushes themback. Maybe if we remove the element of danger, the remaining 'honest' people might also turn 'corrupt and dishonest'. But then, we must give them credit for their current status, as a little bit of risk is involved everywhere but still they choose morally and legally right means. But on the whole, this lott is staying away from politics only because they lack the base which is needed in Indian politics. If our father, forefathers , uncle, aunt, brother, cousin etc has been into politics, then you are well prepared to be one bastard too ....ooops! I mean politician too. :P
Delhi University is the headquarter of youth politics in India. It is equally influenced with all these concepts. Money is poured in from all sides at the time of elections, the winner takes home a lot of money and fame. How much money he'll be taking back home depends on how corrupt and dishonest he is or he can be. Students dont even turn up for the voting process, only close friends of the nominees make the effort of coming to the college on voting day. Hence the government formed at the University level is the same as the one formed at the Central level. Money rules and people follow. The educated dont vote as they know that the population of the uneducated and uninterested people will outdo them no matter what. But we all take out a little time in a day to criticize the government. Delhi University is badly affected by money politics and faces which you see on TV ahve sprung out of these colleges only. (most of them)
The election process is fair only if you look at it technicaly. But in reality, you already know the winner. Votes are purchased like bhaaji and paao. Independant candidates are asked to and ultimately forced to step down thanks to the amount of gundaa-gardi in India.We have no options left, only time can turn the key n open new doors which'll bring the long awaited changes in the Indian political structure.
Till then, its our:
Mr. Minister
Bank Balance-Crores and,
Social Service-only through promises which of course are never fulfilled but modified to 'better sounding' promises in the next elections.
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